It was awesome to learn that four of my best buds from college were coming to Falls Church to hang with me this past weekend, all the way from Philly, Charlotte, Dallas and LA. Following a Friday evening feast at Ruth's Chris Steak House, we headed out Saturday morning to Shenandoah country for a hike, mixed in with some frisbee and lots of reminiscing about the old days. Nice to enjoy a chunk of time so far away from present troubles. Continuing to feel incredibly blessed by friends near and far.
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Sky Meadows, VA |
Going back to our visit to Hopkins, we saw Dr. Jones there on Thursday afternoon, after all the test results came in. He reported that I passed all the tests and am "strong as a horse" and then added "…except for the lymphoma", which we agreed was a pretty big exception. Still hard to get our heads - and especially our hearts - completely around what awaits us in September but we're doing our best both to take each day as it comes and to keep a long-term perspective, reminding ourselves that we're in great hands and have much reason for hope.
As for what lies ahead, Christine and I will be heading up to Baltimore on September 10th to get started with what's called "preparatory treatment" from the 11th until the 17th, which mainly consists of chemo and radiation to flatten my immune system and clear the way for the stem cells harvested from my brother to take hold in my body and develop into a whole new immune system that will be more effective in uprooting my cancer. The actual transplant will take place on the 18th followed by a precarious stretch of a few weeks during which I'll be especially vulnerable to infections and gradually bouncing back from it all. If all goes well, I could be released in mid October and commute to Baltimore 3x/week for further monitoring and treatment. If there are complications, I could be there 24/7 into November.
Meanwhile, Christine's parents will be holding down the fort with our kids here at home. Christine will travel back and forth from time to time to have some time with them as well and I expect to be in good touch via skype and phone. My mom will be helping out as well at Hopkins, making sure there are no gaps in care up there. And so many of you have offered to help in one way or another. For now, we don't seem to need much, just your prayers and your patience as we are stressed organizing things here in Falls Church. For those of you who are local, you may join our "The Jones Helping Hands" website.
Christine & her parents will be soon adding ways you all can support both us and the kids & her parents in September and October. Again, thanks to all of you for your emails, texts, phone calls, etc. We don't want to be walking this road. But having all of you to support us makes it a ton easier.
Hi! Thinking of you all as you prepare for this next step, and your temporary move! We will continue to send positive thoughts and prayers. Take care, Rhonda