In the past week, we’ve had 5 visitors, I’ve swum 4 times,
we’ve received 3 photos of Nate and 2 of Darcy and we’re looking forward to 1
great visit with the kids this coming Sunday.
So despite feelings of Chester, Florence Nightingale and sleep
deprivation, we’re managing pretty well.
And while it’s fun to contemplate these numbers, the real numbers we are
constantly monitoring are more serious.
Every day the docs check a wide variety of levels in
Andrew’s blood. For nearly a week he has
been neutropenic (having next to no white blood cells to ward off infection)
and his red blood cells (which give him energy) and his platelets (which help
his blood clot) are steadily dropping and getting very low. This is expected. But it means Andrew is extremely vulnerable
to infection, fatigue and – should he cut himself – loss of blood. Every day we look at his “counts” and see
where he is. They tell us that Andrew’s
counts will start to climb back up anywhere between Day 14 and Day 27
post-transplant. (Another number we are
constantly counting – today is Day 10.) But it is not an exact science! Chances are, Andrew’s counts will drop
further before they rise. And this
necessitates blood transfusions, something we of course would rather
avoid. When we tell the nurses this,
they put on their “reality-check face” and tell us to expect one by early next
And yet all of this is good.
Andrew doesn’t “have counts” because his cells have been wiped out by
chemo and radiation and Ross’s stem cells are still early in the process of
producing mature blood cells. Like Andrew, Ross was never the speediest Jones –
that was Regg – but we’re hoping Ross’s stem cells crank out a new and improved
immune system in Andrew in record time!