Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day Two: Don't send flowers

Transplant day is called "Day Zero" so we're now at day two.  And, as we had been warned, Andrew feels crummy!  He actually awoke with a fever (yikes!) - but nothing too high and it has since come down.  However, we spent a while at the clinic waiting for his blood work to determine if this is just par for the course or something serious.  His counts are good so no need for an IV of antibiotics.  Phew.  They are still testing his blood for more serious things and those results won't be in until much later.  However, the expectation is that this is just his body doing it's thing, now that Ross's troops are mounting a take-over.
Tomorrow will be the first of two VERY long days, where Andrew is at the clinic for 10+ hours receiving the chemo that will minimize the chances of  graft rejection/graft v. host complications. Poor guy, he is dreading this and how he knows he'll feel afterwards.
If you are wondering what you can do to support Andrew (and me) during this time, don't send flowers.  Seriously, with a compromised immune system, Andrew is not allowed near them as they might have mold.  The best thing to do is to continue to send photos of our kids in action, emails and texts with news from home, or book suggestions. Each evening, Andrew and I enjoy sharing the emails and texts we've received throughout the day with each other.  It makes us feel like we are still there at home!  So many of you are already doing this, so thanks...and keep it up.
Because Andrew's mom is with us and  because Andrew is resting comfortably, I'm heading south shortly to watch a field hockey game!  I'll have dinner with the family before coming back to Baltimore tonight.  More tomorrow (or Sat) on the long chemo days.  Until then continue to pray for healing and for the protection from more fevers - especially for the 6 hours I am away.  Thanks!

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