Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Back to Normal...almost

We've been home for nearly two weeks and it has been wonderful. We have enjoyed every minute with the kids, watching field hockey, having family dinners, helping with homework and SAT prep - all of it. The honeymoon has not worn off yet. Meanwhile, both of us are increasingly back to work and loving it.
Next week will be - hopefully - the last week at Hopkins. Tomorrow we have our "Discharge Class." We've been warned about this class and how all their dire warnings and prohibitions for the future will scare us into submission. Tomorrow we should also receive our schedule for next week. This is huge as Andrew will have both a pet-scan to confirm the cancer is nowhere to be found AND a procedure to remove the central line in his chest. Soon thereafter he should be free to play tennis again!!
Stay tuned for specifics around these things. We continue to ask for your prayers. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. It's all sounding so good!! What wonderful news!
