Thursday, March 14, 2013

All Clear!

Andrew's scans are perfectly clear. Hallelujah! The doctor says "You should consider yourself normal." The next scan is in 3 mo. More details later. We're off to celebrate with sushi which has been off limits for AJ since September.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Six-Month Scan

Can you believe that it has been six months since Andrew's bone marrow transplant?  Technically, that date is next Monday, the 18th.  But Andrew's six month scan is tomorrow, March 14th.  We'd love thoughts and prayers as we travel to Baltimore tomorrow for the 9:30 scan, 10:30 blood work, and 11am meeting with the doctor.  As you can see, AJ looks great and has been feeling even better.  So we are eagerly awaiting the confirmation that he has been healed with no sign of cancer in his body!  We should get a reading pretty quickly as to the results of the scan, so stay tuned. Thanks for remaining with us in the journey.