Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not the News We Were Hoping for

We got word this afternoon that the scan results this time around show more clearly that the cancer is still there and growing again in Andrew's chest.  Obviously a big blow as it means we'll need to go to heavier-duty therapy of some sort.  We're still absorbing the news and all that it implies.  Please pray for us as we try to process the results and determine the best course of action from here.  We will be meeting with the team at Johns Hopkins tomorrow afternoon to discuss and will update the blog thereafter.  In the midst of the disappointment, we trust that God is with us and will see us through whatever lies ahead.  One step at a time...


  1. remaining hopeful with you all, but sad that AJ has to endure more chemo. you are surrounded by love and prayers for perseverance and strength and hope. xo emily

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops - deleted my original reply. Sorry to hear this news - not what any of us were hoping for :( But in the midst of that, I'm glad y'all have a good medical team to work with & will continue praying for your fam - for hope, healing, & strength.
