Andrew is now set to begin chemo on June 25th. He feels great now, so we're taking a last minute trip to the mountains! We'll spend three days in a barn on a river, sitting in the hot tub after canoe rides. We plan to visit some caverns and cook s'mores over the fire-pit. Even Rocko, our chocolate lab gets to come! The internet there is spotty (if it exists at all) and if we're lucky, we'll be out of cell phone range as well. It will be a real get away.
The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity. We've now had 3 "second opinions" that all concur with our doctor's plan of treatment at Hopkins. (More on that when we return.) Every minor decision seems hard to make - and there have been a surprising amount of decisions to make - from how to get that email for the first cousin in CO to where we should go for brunch for Father's Day. Coordinating the list of potential donors for AJ's bone marrow transplant has taken more time that expected.
Meanwhile, everyone seems to have a story of a miraculous cancer cure - where a friend or family member overcame great odds to survive. While it is encouraging to hear these, I (CJ) cannot decide if in the end they make me feel better or worse! We know that God has a plan for OUR story and we're praying that 1) it involves total healing and 2) we have the grace, faith and trust to follow Him as he leads us, even though the path will be hard. Thanks everyone for reaching out so much already with food, books, calls, emails, texts and prayers.
I hope you are able to enjoy your much needed getaway. Praying for full healing and strength.