Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Long Days

Watching Andrew's counts this week has made for long days.  His platelets held for a couple days, following a transfusion on Sunday, but are likely to be back to “need another transfusion” level very soon.  Andrew's red blood cell counts remain just above the "can't avoid a transfusion" level, but are slowly and steadily dropping.   These types of cells are expected drop and recover more slowly, so we're not surprised.  
Meanwhile, the white blood cells were the first to plummet but also, as of today, the first to jump back up!  They still have a ways to go before the "you can walk around without a mask" level, which is the same level as "you can take a pill instead of self-administering IV antibiotics in the middle of the night."  I'm also secretly hoping this will be the "why don't I help you fix dinner" level. 
Both Andrew and I have admitted that we're just bored, tired of sitting in the hospital and our cramped apartment, and feeling cooped up inside.  The clock moves slowly.
The one exception was the short visit we had from the kids this past Sunday.  It was great to see them, hear their stories and banter, and show them around our new digs.  We have missed them greatly and, not surprisingly, the time flew by!  We didn't even have time to take a group photo.
We know this is just a short season, but boy does it feel long, especially on a rainy day.  Andrew is making progress; we just have to be patient.  We'll keep you posted after a few more long days.  Thanks once again for all the emails, calls & texts that help the time pass a teensy bit more quickly.


  1. Andrew and Christine: thank you so much for this blog. There are so many of us, all around the world, who are thinking of you all the time, wanting news but not wanting to intrude in ways that make you feel obliged to reply individually... Andrew, I (try to) channel your wisdom and patience so often these days, as we try to make CARE into the kind of organization that you (and I and others) want it to be, know it can be. I will continue to follow this blog with interest and gratitude, sending you all the positive vibes I can muster. Bon courage, mon ami!

  2. I'm so glad you updated today, CJ - we eagerly wait for the right levels to be attained!
    And pray towards that with FOCUS!
    And agreeing with Garth (above) -- Courage!! God is right there with you---
