Saturday, April 25, 2015

We did it! (On our own)

On April 17, we went back to Hopkins to learn how to administer the weekly infusions.  We got a lot of information but the bottom line was:  you can do this; it's your treatment; it can fit into your routine in whatever way works best for you.  Sure it was scary and even painful for AJ, but we came away equipped for the task.
Last night we gathered our resolve and administered it on our own.  We quickly realized our memory is not what it used to be as we tried to remember the procedure.  "Wait, these directions are useless!" "Arrg, why is the medicine leaking out of the syringe!" "Yikes, is that blood?"  If it hadn't been us, I (CJ) would have said I was watching a dumb sitcom with the two hapless characters fumbling through a seemingly impossible situation.  (I'm sure it didn't help that I was in new 4" heels that I am breaking in for a few dress-up events next month!)
But today Andrew feels ok and even hit some good balls on the tennis court. Next week we will be back up at Hopkins for a scan and to get a bronchoscopy to find out once and for all (?) what the infection is that has plagued Andrew for nearly 6 months now. As they say in Swahili: "Slowly by slowly" we are getting to the bottom of this.  Thanks for your prayers and your willingness to listen!

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