Monday, December 12, 2011

Can I have a seat on the aisle?

OK, the first day of chemo was a long slog!  To me (CJ) it felt like a long transatlantic flight from a seat in the center aisle: no sunshine, mediocre food, attention from "flight attendants" just as Andrew's drifting off to sleep... We emerged after 7 hrs later dazed and confused, feeling a new form of "jet lag."
However, we can report that Andrew's body tolerated all the chemo meds well and thankfully for the moment, he is having no real side effects.  Thanks to a large dose of Benadryl, Andrew slept for much of the morning. (Meanwhile I was having flashbacks to when we gave Darcy & Nate Benadryl on a flight from Nairobi - London assuming it would help them sleep.  Disastrously, it had the opposite affect and we spent that flight chasing them up and down the aisles.  Now we know that the hyperactivity reaction gene comes from the Norlings....)
Now we are home and Andrew has a new "friend" around his waist, a "larger than what we were expecting" fanny pack to hold his three chemo meds. To continue the analogy of the trek, Andrew feels as if he is carrying provisions for a three day hike! The nurse assures us we'll get used to it, but the wires, tubes, and straps have us baffled and cautious. 
Tomorrow at 4pm Andrew returns to the hospital to get the fanny pack "refilled."  But since they want to keep him hydrated, this 5 minute visit will now be an hour.  :(  So, I'm looking for a ride to the hospital to meet Andrew there and drive him home!  Thanks for letting me ask!  (And yes, we already have food coming tomorrow!)
So what are we thankful for today? Friends & family who checked in via phone or email or text and their grace in understanding when we don't respond! No allergic reaction to the chemo! Friends who bring dinner! Good hospital care! Three kids who keep us laughing.  And a fabulous fire using wood from the oak that fell on our garage 3 years ago.  And you - especially if you are still reading.


  1. Thank you for the update. All our best to Andrew. CJ - I emailed you that Greg can provide a ride should you still need one tomorrow.


  2. Really glad to hear day 1 went well. Positive, healing vibes continue to come your way!

  3. kath torin and I are saying our prayers and will through the journey. thanks for helping us to understand your journey as tough as it is. I hope it is just a bit less hard knowing that there are lots of us who love you and are thinking of you.
