Friday, December 16, 2011


Andrew writing this evening. Cleared the 1st hurdle of treatment this afternoon, getting through the 1st cycle of chemo-immuno therapy, and the reward was the removal of all the tubes going into the mediport in my chest and the accompanying fanny pack (full of battery-charged pumps and chemicals) on my hip. A great feeling to have shed that, at least for the next couple weeks. I've continued to experience only minor side effects, thankfully, and feel strong this evening. I've actually been ravenous all day today for some reason, devouring a second breakfast of Trader Joe's turkey jurkey (come again?) at 9:30 in my office and having a second helping of pulled chicken, string beans and yellow rice tonight for dinner. At the same time, I have lost my appetite for certain things, for example coffee, which prior to this week has been the first thing I've reached for in the morning ever since becoming a father! Clearly the medication is running through the system and throwing some things off - most importantly we hope and pray each day that it's obliterating the cancer cells in my chest. I actually have felt a bit of shifting/slight discomfort in my chest, in fact, which the doc attributes to the tumor shrinking and thereby relieving pressure on the surrounding organs. Weekend plans include getting some exercise and fresh air with the family and a bit of Christmas shopping. Taking it one day at a time...and feeling tremendously supported by friends near and afar. It means a ton to us. Thanks! 

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