Thursday, February 9, 2012

Not exactly "Nothing but net!"

Well, Andrew talked to our contact at Hopkins and while the tumor has shrunk an incredible amount (it is 1/10th of its original size!), this is not the indisputable "nothing but net" result the doctors were hoping for.  Unlike Austin Rivers' final shot last night, this is a more of a "bounce around the rim" shot and we're still waiting to see if the ball drops in or not.  The doctors and radiologists at Hopkins are conferring and we'll know more tomorrow at our scheduled appointment with the Virginia Hospital oncologist.  Of course we wish this were more clear cut; again, we'll know more tomorrow.  Til then, stay tuned.  No reason to panic (yet) and I'm going off to work while Andrew and the family enjoy no less than TWO soups which have been dropped off in the last 24 hrs!  As always, we'll keep you posted.  Please continue to pray for AJ's complete healing.

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