Thursday, February 16, 2012

They are right! It is a Marathon!

Everyone warned us: chemo isn't a quick fix; it's a marathon.  We knew that, but now - in the midst of round 4 (of 6) - we are living it and it isn't fun.  While Andrew still goes to work, helps with coaching and homework, he just feels "blah."  He's tired, he's lost his taste for many foods and drinks, and he cannot seem to shake the cough from last week's cold.
Mind you, neither of us has ever run a marathon.  I (CJ) ran a half marathon once - in Kigali.  Those of you who have been to Africa may not be surprised to know that organized races on that continent can be notorious for starting late.  Speeches by dignitaries there to open the event are often late and long winded, meaning the runners hit the pavement (or red clay in my case) long after the sun has burned away any cool morning air.  By mile 9 it was clear I was not going to be able to stand the heat much longer.  My only hope was to speed up and finish before my body failed me.
With chemo, we cannot speed this up to get to the finish line before April.  We have to face this one long day at a time.  Next week once AJ starts to feel more "normal", the days will speed up.  Until then we're counting the moments until his chemo pack comes off (19hrs!)
Sorry for the downer post.... despite the "blahs" we do try to cling to the great things we are seeing during these times: friends who drive by our house and pray for us, send encouraging texts or emails, drop off a meal or offer a ride, send us (out of the blue!) gift boxes of spices or gift cards to swanky restaurants. We feel more connected than ever to our friends and family all across the globe.  We just need to remember this at the 9 mile mark!  Thanks for helping us remember.

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